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Welcome to the FitMama Podcast!

This is the work IN to your workout.

Being a FitMama all starts with Love and unconditional love starts from within.

This podcast will inspire, educate and motivate you to be the FitMama you want to be.

I look forward to hearing your feedback, please contact me anytime!

Love Jen

Apr 10, 2018

Do you feel lack? Feel not good enough or unworthy no matter what you do?


So often we don’t stop to look around our life other than to compare ourselves, our bodies or our life situation with our friends, family, peers or people we may or may not even care about. We take the opinion of others as the gospel and we let others’ thoughts or feelings about us inform our own.


Our biggest fears as humans are around not being worthy. Not being loved. Not being good enough.


We think we need to hire a trainer, start a diet, do a complete overhaul on our life or something else external to us to be good enough.

It’s all lies you tell yourself, and in this episode Jen will break it down for you – unworthiness or feeling lack is a symptom of a greater problem and can be remedied by one life changing action:


Listening and connecting within. Regularly checking in with yourself and what’s your inner guru is telling you.

Within yourself is all the love, abundance, worthines and happiness you can ever dream of.

Tapping into this endless supply is what the The Love FitMama Way is all about.


Tune in to hear more.


You are worthy and loved, there is just no doubt about it.


Want to connect more with Jen Oliver? Email her or join the movement in the FitMama Facebook Group.


This show was brought to you by Notes to Self Socks and Muse – the Brain Sensing headband.